GI Bleed

GI Bleed- now this one is easy, your still tagging RBC's with Ultratag but sometimes this one takes 2 hrs, sometimes more, to complete.
Here, link below,  is an interesting case from the SNM site worth mentioning-

The Muga Scan

Muga Scan- Today I learned a thing or two more about this classical nuclear medicine study, believe it or not, just when I thought I knew all about a this wonderful, and easy Ultratag study only to be surprisingly defeated by it's (Muga Processing)

Myocardial Perfusion Scan (MPS)

Myocardial Perfusion Scan- cardiac functional imaging is very useful for the evaluation of cardiac diseases. (AutoQuant)

Bone Scan (TC99m-MDP or TC99m-HDP)

Bone Scan- one of the most frequent study performed in Nuclear Medicine. (

PET/MRI in Neuro-Imaging

PET/MRI- the pinnacle of Nuclear Medicine Technology, and quite probably, the reason why nuclear medicine still edges ahead in the innovation race.


PET/CT- is a super technology that is today setting apart the nuclear medicine specialty from the rest (


Spect/CT or Fused Imaging- is one of the up and coming technologies in NM today.                       

Aunt Minnie

Aunt Minnie- is another great site not just for Nuclear Medicine Technology but also Radiology Technology.

NMTCB and the Society of Nuclear Medicine

Two important organizations in the field of Nuclear Medicine. Please make sure you check these out. I go to these for references on procedures, and protocols.

NMTCB- Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board, formed for the purpose of creating and maintaining examinations for nuclear medicine technologists(NMTs). Since 1978, the NMTCB has offered a high-quality certification exam for NMTs. More recently, the NMTCB has provided specialty exams for NMTs who have a high level of knowledge in nuclear cardiology (the NCT exam) and NMTs, radiographers, and radiation therapists who have a high level of knowledge in positron emission tomography (the PET exam)

SNM- The Society of Nuclear Medicine, an international scientific and professional organization founded in 1954 to promote the science, technology and practical application of nuclear medicine.

Learn about how Nuclear medicine works -Today!

It would be advantageous to get to know at least the basics about this exiting, and very promising molecular imaging science. All scientifically advanced hospitals have a Nuclear Medicine Shop- it's a must have. What is it for? What do Nuclear Techs do, and how do they do it? How is it useful?